Kantonese Ozoni

Evoma - Business Hotel, K R Puram, Bangalore Bangalore Katonese-ozoni-recipe
Auspicious days and festive occasions such as New Year and Christmas are welcomed by some special delicacies. The situation is not so different in Japan also, as they have a number of lip-smacking dishes which are mainly served during important events. Ozoni or Japanese soup with mochi cakes is one of the most famous Japanese dishes cooked and served on New Year.

There are some regional variations for ozoni, especially Kantonese and Kansai. Here we have a simple Kantonese ozoni recipe made with three essentials – dashi stock, greens and meat (chicken). As we mentioned earlier, the seasonings and ingredients for the dish varies from region to region, so it is easy to customize the recipe with readily available produce. There won’t be any flavor loss, but each type you can have a fantastic dish, tasting slightly different from the last time you made it.

Ingredients for Kantonese ozoni from Evoma:

  • 2 chicken thigh fillets, cleaned and cut into small pieces
  • A bunch of greens (spinach, bok choy or komatsuna), thoroughly washed and chopped
  • 8-10 fresh shiitake mushrooms, cleaned, washed and sliced
  • 4 mochi cakes
  • 4 cups low sodium dashi stock
  • 1 tbsp soya sauce 1tbsp sake
  • A pinch of salt

Directions to prepare Kantonese ozoni from Evoma:

  1. Pour dashi stock to a large pot and bring it to a boil. Once the stock bubbles up, add soya sauce and sake. Stir in the chicken pieces and cook for a few minutes. Now add the mushroom slices and chopped greens. Simmer for a couple more minutes till the greens are wilted.
  2. Grill the mochi cakes till they are golden and puffed up. Add the mochi cakes to the stock and simmer for another two minutes. Season with salt, if required.
  3. Remove from heat and ladle the piping hot ozoni into soup bowls. Garnish with mitsuba or chopped scallions.

Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 15 minutes

For tantalizing Japanese delicacies, head onto OJ Bangalore! Contact Evoma now!

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